Schoolhouse Corner

Stories about the history of our community, created by the students of Bigfork area schools.

The Stories of Swan River School

Founded in 1893, the Swan River School has been a beloved landmark in the Bigfork community for over 125 years. In the Spring semester of 2018, the students of Mrs. Shelley Emslie’s 5th grade glass undertook a project to tell part of their school’s rich history, in the form of short video documentaries that they researched, wrote, shot, and edited themselves.

Come on In!

Visit the Bigfork History Project at the Bigfork Art & Cultural Center

March - December

Tues-Sat 11am - 5pm

Closed Sunday & Monday

Open by appointment only in January and February



(406) 837.6927


525 Electric Avenue

Bigfork, MT 59911